With the recent release of FlexBuilder 3 I have been trying to work through some of the instructions for customizing the LiveCycle Workspace using FlexBuilder 3 instead of FlexBuilder 2 (if that works we don’t need to include FlexBuilder 2 in the software for the Adobe TechU). I didn’t expect too many problems because according to Customizing the LiveCycle® Workspace ES User Interface Flex SDK 2.0.1 is supported and you can pick that SDK version in FlexBuilder 3. And for the most part it did the work. The only problem I ran into was compiling the localization swf file. According to the instructions that compilation should work with the following command:

compc -locale=es -output=export/es/workspace_rb.swc -source-path
./es "C:/program files/adobe/flex builder 2/flex sdk 2/frameworks/locale/"
-include-resource-bundles alc_wks_client_msg alc_wks_client_trace
alc_wks_client_ui SharedResources collections controls core data effects
formatters logging messaging rpc skins states styles utils validators --

Now with FlexBuilder 3 this didn’t work because some of the paths to the SDK are different. With the correct paths the compile command becomes:

"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\2.0.1\bin\compc" -locale=es
  -output=spanish/workspace_rb.swc -source-path ./spanish
  "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\2.0.1\frameworks\locale"
  -include-resource-bundles alc_wks_client_msg alc_wks_client_trace
  alc_wks_client_ui SharedResources collections controls core data
  effects formatters logging messaging rpc skins states styles utils
  validators --

This didn’t compile in FlexBuilder 3 because the data properties file couldn’t be found. That is supposedly an easy fix: just copy the data.properties file from wherever FlexBuilder 2 got it to the project path in FlexBuilder 3. Only I couldn’t find a data.properties file anywhere in FlexBuilder 2. And while removing data from the compile command solved the compile time problem, it did result in a totally unacceptable runtime error. So in the end I just created my own data.properties file with the following data:

# Dummy data.properties file

With this file in the same directory as the localized files the compilation ran correctly and I haven’t received any runtime errors yet. It is quite likely I will get them at some point when the Workspace wants to present some message that is supposed to be in data.properties, but I think this will do until the next LiveCycle release that I expect to add support for FlexBuilder 3.

One Comment

  1. João Fernandes says:

    Jochem, you couldn’t find the data properties because it usually is shipped with FDS/LCDS installation. If you open the current fds_rb.swc with some zip utility you’ll find the data.properties file inside. Maybe you found it previously in the Flex Builder 2 install because you had it copied there before.